Saturday, October 19, 2013

Quick-Start with Android Development Kit on Ubuntu 13.10 Saucy 64bit Step-by-Step Easy Visual-Guide

Install Android Development Kit for Ubuntu 13.10 Saucy

The Guide Simply Show Step-by-Step How-to Install and Getting-Started with Latest Android 4.2 SDK Revision 21 for Linux Ubuntu 13.10 Saucy Salamander Amd64 Desktop

To Make the Entire Process Easier to Visualize and Retain the Article Includes the Basic Screenshots of the Essentials Steps Involved.

The Content and Details of How-to Install Android Development Kit on Ubuntu are Expressly Reduced to Give Focus Only to the Essentials Instructions and Commands and Make Tut Easier to Read & Digestive ;)

Install Android Development Kit for Ubuntu 13.10 Saucy - Featured
  1. Download Latest Android ADT Bundle SDK r21 for Linux:

    Android ADT Bundle Linux .tgz
  2. Double-Click on Archive and Extract into /tmp
    Install Android Development Kit for Ubuntu 13.10 Saucy - Extract Android SDK
  3. Open Terminal Window

    Cmd and Search "term"

    Install Android Development Kit for Ubuntu 13.10 Saucy - Open Terminal
  4. Install Prerequisite Package
    sudo su
    apt-get install ia32-libs
  5. Relocate Android Developer Tools
    mv /tmp/adt-bundle-linux* /opt

    Make a Symlink to Distingue ADT Eclipse Bundle from Ordinary Eclipse:

    ln -s /opt/adt-bundle-linux*/eclipse/eclipse /opt/adt-bundle-linux*/eclipse/adt
  6. Insert Android Developer Tools into User PATH
    nano ~/.bashrc
    export PATH=/opt/tmp/adt-bundle-linux*/eclipse:$PATH

    Ctr+x to Save and Exit :)

    Load New Settings

    source ~/.bashrc
  7. Launching ADT Eclipse Bundle

    From Terminal with:


    Create a Custom App Launcher for Easy&Quick Launching:

    Quick Launcher for Ubuntu-Unity
  8. Getting-Started Coding Hello-World Android App on ADT Bundle:

    Android App Hello-World